Thursday, January 1, 2015

My New Years Resolution

People are always asking me around this time of year, "So, what are your New Years Resolutions?" and I always reply with, "Um. . . I haven't really thought about it yet!"  So this year, I have decided to actually think about it and show you what I've come up with.  Here it is!

My Huge, Revolutionary New Years Resolution
1.  This New Years, I am not going to make any Resolutions.

You don't understand?

I am resolving to not make any resolutions.

You see, I don't want to make any resolutions because whenever I tell myself I'm going to totally do that thing, I end up. . . well not doing it somehow.  Either I forget about it or I just don't want to do it anymore.

So that is my great resolution!

I hope you come up with some great resolutions this year!

♥ Rachel
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