Monday, February 24, 2014

The Sunshine Award

The Sunshine Award
I am not exactly sure how the Sunshine Award works, but I am super duper excited to say I was nominated by Amanda from the South Kakalaki Girl blog.  She asked me some questions, so I am going to answer them. Then I will nominate someone and ask them questions.  And so on.  :)

How long have you been blogging?  I have been blogging on School and Sun Tans since last year in October.  I have had so much fun along the way!

Why did you start your blog?  A few reasons.  One reason is because I love writing.  Another reason is because I love sharing my experiences with others.  I also think it is great to have something to keep girls busy in their free-time and help them with fashion, school, etc.

How do you choose what you will blog about (where does your inspiration come from)?  I mostly blog about random stuff, seeing how my life is usually random! ;)  If I'm reading a new book or come across some really cool fashion pieces, I blog about it!  I also blog about many other things, which are all about different stuff!

If you could move to another state, which state would you choose and why?  Wow.... this is hard!  If I want to become an actress, L.A. would be the best place to go.  BUT I really love the ocean, so Florida would be right up my alley!  So Florida it is.  I'll be living near the ocean, of course.

What is your favorite verse in the Bible?  My favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13:  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

How did you come up with the title for your blog?  I wanted a name to have something to do with school and summer, since they are both a big part of our lives.  So after thinking about it, I just knew "School and Sun Tans" sounded great together, so it seemed like the natural pick.  It let's readers know this is about school and summertime!

If you had a whole day to yourself, what would you do?  This might sound boring for some of you, but I would probably dive into a good read if I wanted to relax.  If I needed a wardrobe change, I'd shop.  And if it was hot and sunny outside, I'd go swimming!

What is your favorite name (besides your own, of course)?  Hmm.... I haven't really thought about that. I like all sorts of names, actually.  It's hard to pick just one!  But.... I think the name Winter is my favorite because it is such a pretty and unique name, and it reminds me of the season.

What is your favorite thing to eat?  I really like red velvet cupcakes!  Yum!

What is your favorite subject in school?  To tell the truth, I love all subjects!  There is something different about each of them that makes them all fun.  However, I love reading so much that I might have to say English is my favorite subject in school!

If you could have lunch with any literary character, who would you choose?  I have so many favorite book characters, that it would be hard to choose just one. But I would have to say Nancy Drew, because I love her books and her style!  And who knows?  Maybe we'd actually be able to solve a mystery together!

Here are the nominees I picked for the Sunshine Award:

Hailey from Model Topia

Katie from The Princess Warrior

Caitlin from Daughter of Destiny

If you were nominated by me and would like to be a part of the Sunshine Award, please follow the list:

1.  Use the image above for your Sunshine Award blog post, or use another picture associated with Sunshine Award.

2.  Answer the following questions I will ask you.

3.  Choose your own blogs to nominate.  You can choose as many as you want.

4.  Please let your nominees know they were chosen for the Sunshine Award!

5.  Ask them 11 questions.  You can come up with your own, if you'd like.

6.  And then you can publish the post on your blog!  As simple as that!

Here are questions for my nominees:

1.  Where did you come up with your blog name?

2.  Why did you create your blog?

3.  What is your favorite Bible verse?

4.  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

5.  What is your favorite book?

6.  Would you rather be a queen or the president?

7.  What is your favorite subject in school?

8.  If you could make three wishes, what would they be?

9.  What is your favorite flavor of cake?

10.  If you could choose between tennis shoes, cowgirl boots, or sandals, which you you choose?

11.  If you could be in any book, which book would it be?

**Updated as of February 25, 2014**

Hi, I was nominated again by Hailey from Model Topia!  I am going to answer the questions she has asked me. (NOTE:  I am going to skip answers that I have already been asked.)

What is your favorite color?  Sky blue!  It reminds me of the sky and the ocean.

What is your favorite dessert?  I really like red velvet cupcakes.  Yummy.

If you could do anything you want in a days time, what would you do?  I would probably go to the spa and get a mani and pedi.  And then I would do something crazy like go sky-diving ;)

If you could drive any vehicle in the world, what would it be?  A red sports car or jeep.  Or a truck (it might sound weird for some of you, but it's true).

Would you rather wear jeans, shorts, or sweat pants?  It really depends on the weather, but I would probably choose shorts.

What is your favorite print (such as camo or zebra)?  You named my two favorite prints!  I like camo and zebra.

What is your dream job?  To become an actress, publish a really good book series, and help out animals in someway.

What is your favorite animal?  I really like pandas!  They are sooo cute!!

What do you do in your free time?  Read mostly.  I am such a book worm!  Other than reading, though, I like going places and trying new things.


  1. Thank you so much Maddie for nominating me!!! I'll get to it as soon as I get the chance. ;) Thanks again!

    1. Hi Caitlin,
      You are very welcome!! Love your blog! :)
