Monday, November 4, 2013

A Way to Kick Off November!

On November 1, 2013, I had a sleepover with some of my awesome friends!  I am going to call them by their nicknames, Ally and Brava, and let me tell you we had some FUN!  We went shopping at a thrift store on Saturday which is always fun.

I also thought a sleepover would be great to have because the trees outside are just beautiful, with all of their changing colors and such.  You may have noticed that I changed the design on my blog, which I will be doing every month.  It looks like fall, don't you think?

Anyways, back to the sleepover.  I wanted to share some really great pics from our sleepover!  Hope you <3 them!



Ally -- Rock that Hairdo!

Ally -- BEA-U-TI-FUL!

Okay, so there you go!  I have to go now.... we are going to have some really cool contests soon!

x, Maddie

P.S.  Thanks to Ally and Brava who shared their time with me Friday and Saturday.  I had TONS of fun!  :)  Thanks for modeling for my blog as well!

And I am also working on some really great designs for purses, bags, etc.  


  1. Replies
    1. I didn't think of that, but now I see that in two of the pictures your hair is fixed. Lol. You sure do!
