Monday, December 9, 2013

Bon Bons Giveaway Winners

I finally chose the winners to the Bon Bons Giveaway!  I found out a really cool and unique way to announce them.

To find out who the winners of the Bon Bons Giveaway are, go to this link:

Congrats to the winners!  If you could please e-mail me or leave a comment for your prize....


P.S. Our next contest will be in January, so be on the look out!


  1. :( I guess I entered too late.... :( Bummer! What is the next contest going to be about?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Hannalee, I saw that you did enter a little too late, but rules are rules! However, I plan on having a really awesome contest for next month, but I am keeping it a secret at the moment. For now, just enjoy Christmas and check my blog next week to see a new blog post! Merry Christmas!! xo

  2. Oh my gosh!! I keep checking back like every single minute to see who the winners are and one of them is ME!!!!!!!!!! Ahh!! E-mailed u:)

  3. I can't belive i really won. It's amazing!

  4. Congratulations to Bricilyn and Ally!! Woohoo! I wish I found out about your blog sooner, and I would have entered! :)

    1. Hi Maggie! Well, actually our next contest is in January, so check back then :D I will have post about it, so hopefully you won't miss it! And do you have my e-mail? I could send you an e-mail when I have a new contest.... and your right! Congrats Bricilyn and Ally!!
